Why you can't wear make-up after your Botox® appointment!

May 01, 2024By BSc (HONS) Angel Dinsdale


One of the biggest, most talked about topics in aesthetics is how to keep your results lasting. If you've thought about booking, searched for a practitioner, scanned their reviews & portfolio, paid the fees, and anxiously waited for the Botox® to kick in, you obviously want the results to last.

How long will it take for my Botox®to start working?

Botox® takes at least 3-5 days to start making visible differences post-treatment, with the 2-week appointment being where we take your after treatment pictures to compare. From the second that you have your Botox® injected, the afterare begins. 

Infection risk & migration of Botox®

Even with tiny needles, injections cause trauma to the skin and to the tissues beneath. This trauma causes an influx of fluid (swelling), which can feel tight, itchy or sore. The natural human instinct is to touch or rub the area to soothe it. This is not advised for may reasons but the main reason being that you don't want to migrate the toxin. For example, injecting Botox® in the Glabella region to treat frown lines, means injecting in the eyebrow. There is a strict frame in which we have to inject within to avoid eyelid psosis (droopy eyes). If we inject it right, then you go ahead and rub the area, you risk moving the toxin lower, into the orbicularis oculi and causing ptosis.

Secondly, as we oulined, even small needles open your skin to the risk of developing sore areas or infection. Adding formulas which block your pores, can slow down the healing process and if this occurs, it may interrupt the benefits of the Botox and decrease the potency as the body sends all white blood cells to the damaged area to 'heal'. 

In conclusion...

Avoid touching or rubbing areas which have been injected to avoid the risk of infection or migrating the product causing unwanted results. If you have any concerns feel free to reach out. Both myself and Youssef are trained medical professionals with a large amount of experience. 

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